Done with the basics and looking to start your life as a professional? Here are some tips you need to try out.


Start with assessing your skills


Before you get to the nerve wrecking task of choosing the ideal career for your future, many experts advise to start the entire process by assessing your skills and competencies. Factor in aspects the likes of interests, aptitudes, values and even soft skill. You will have to consider your personality type as well. If you are looking at a job that does not sync with your personality type, you can take steps to even alter and improve yourself.




Seek professional help


If you think you are no way in a good shape to assess yourself for you might end up overestimating or underestimating yourself, you can seek the help from the professionals in the field. Pick a few professionals for the purpose of career mentoring Sydney and you can pay a visit or two to these individuals to make sure you choose the correct path.


The expert in career guidance will assess you with career tests, IQ tests and even tools for assessing yourself. These will help gather more information about yourself which you might not even know exist. Data extracted from these tests will help the counselors come up with the ideal list of occupations that fit you the best.


What are your dreams?


As someone who is looking for an employment, you might already have an idea about what you want to do. However, you will have to match it up with your other requirements including your financial goals, your personal traits and your ability to afford advanced education. Unfortunately your passion might not take you to the promise land you always wanted since there are certain outdated fields that might not exactly yield the benefits and finances you had hoped for. Therefore, even if you love studying bugs, becoming an entomologist might not exactly help you buy a Porsche! Take your time and start doing your own research about the job market. If money is what you wish for, start looking up for highest paying jobs and if you are planning to follow your passion, you can look up what particular education qualifications are needed for your dream job.


Start short listing


By the time you get to this point you should have at least 10 to 15 jobs listed out on a piece of paper. These should factor in the results produced by the career counselors. Do another round of research and narrow down the list even more. You should also remove the jobs with duties that are unappealing to you.